Car Boot Sale
- Title:
- Car Boot Sale
- When:
- Sun, 27 April 2025, 07:00 - 13:00
Car boot sale on the playing fields of Glebe House School, Hunstanton, 7am to 1pm.
For stall-holders, set-up is from 6am. £5 per stall. No need to book.
Entrance fee is 50p per person, which goes to charity.
For more information, contact Chris on 07774 650 606, or see Glebe House Car Boot website on Facebook.
- Location:
- Glebe House School
- Street:
- Cromer Road
- Postcode:
- PE36 6HW
- City:
- Hunstanton
- County:
- Norfolk
- Country:
Glebe House is an independent day and weekly boarding school for children from the ages of six months to thirteen years.
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