Car Boot Sale
- Title:
- Car Boot Sale
- When:
- Sun, 13 April 2025, 07:00 - 13:00
Car boot sale on the playing fields of Glebe House School, Hunstanton, 7am to 1pm every Sunday until 30 June 2024.
For stall-holders, set-up is from 6am. £5 per stall. No need to book.
For more information, contact Chris on 07774 650 606, or see Glebe House Car Boot website on Facebook.
- Location:
- Glebe House School
- Street:
- Cromer Road
- Postcode:
- PE36 6HW
- City:
- Hunstanton
- County:
- Norfolk
- Country:
Glebe House is an independent day and weekly boarding school for children from the ages of six months to thirteen years.
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